The most traditional and gift of roses bouquet!
All our prices are in brazilian reais. The price of this products, R$ 232,00, is approximately 61 dollars or 57 Euros.
The traditional bouquet of roses is sure to please showing affection through the beauty and scent of flowers. With Red National roses, gypsoqueues and foliage, this beautiful bouquet is approximately 45 cm tall. The roses are the most gifted flowers, and in this bouquet they are in its most traditional version and a little larger, with 18 roses, always being a gift that thrilks and delights. This is a large bouquet of roses, made with selected red roses on stems of approximately 45 to 50 centimeters. These roses are prepared manually for the removal of thorns and excessive foliage, and the bouquet is packed with raffia lace or satin ribbon. The roses presented in the photos are open, usually the bouquets are delivered with the roses a little more closed and the opening usually occurs in one to two days after delivery. Produced with fresh and selected flowers, subject to substitution by equivalent flowers according to the locality, this product is